Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mind Body & Soul Healing

This last year has been a challenging one but full of growth.  I have made a commitment to myself to dedicate the month of February to healing my MIND, BODY & SOUL for healthy continued growth, self awareness and appreciation.  I am about to embark on a huge project that I am dedicating to my recently deceased mother, I quickly realized that before I can impact any one's life, it was really important for me to heal and deal with all that I have overcome.  As part of my healing process I have also decided to blog about it to help me release all the emotions, thoughts and struggles that I come across on my journey.

Day #1 - BODY
Well, needless to say this was difficult.  I started my journey by trying to detox my body by eating only natural raw fruits and vegetables.  Now, for those of you who know me, you understand why this was so difficult.  I don't like veggies and absolutely don't like water!!!
My menu for the day was as follows:

08:00 am - a banana with a cup of water

12:00 pm - some raw mini carrots with a bottle of water

02:30 pm - a green salad with tomatoes and cucumbers (olive oil & vinegar only)
07:30 pm - a mango

09:00 pm - a small salad with a cup of water

My struggle:  My lovely partner decided that he was hungry and was going to fry some chicken wings for him and a friend that was over the house.....  I am sure you can imagine that the house was smelling delicious.  My stomach was cramping, I had to cover my nose with a blanket and I was furious because I 
Every night as part of this process I have chosen to sit in silence for moment and just be within myself, still, and listen to myself.  During this moment I realized, that as pissed as I was this was a good challenge.  This is my journey not anyone else's and I need to own it.
I was not fair for me to want the people around to sacrifice to make it easy for me to stay on course.
So I am proud to say that I made it!!!!  I didn't not have a chicken wing and I did not drink any soda!!!!   woooo hoooo!!
I am even amazed!  I know this is just the beginning but I AM going to get threw these 10 days.

Wishing you all continued health, joy and success during your own personal journeys,
